Sunday, April 27, 2008

The only way to secure peace is to go to War

I strongly agree that the only way to secure peace is going to war. It is a fact that this world will never be perfect. Terrorists and dictators like Bin Laden, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Hugo Chavez, and Bashar al-Assad to name a few are human forms of the devil. These men are in this world to destroy countries and millions of innocent people. Ahmadinejad would like to “wipe Israel of the face of the Earth”. Bashar al-Assad harbors a terrorist group named Hezbollah in his own country. It is our duty that we kill these men before they kill us and our families. They would love nothing more to simply put a bullet in every American’s head. This may sound harsh but this is reality and it is the truth. As I write this Iran is coming ever closer to creating and gaining nuclear weapons that they will use on Israel. As I write this Iran is sending in insurgents across the Iraq border and trying to dismantle the Iraqi government and kill our US soldiers who are protecting us.

There are many people who are against the Iraq war, but I say hell to them, because if we are not in Iraq then we will be in hell. On 9-11 we all say what hell was like. Thousands of innocent Americans were brutally murdered. Mothers, fathers and many loved ones lost their lives by either burning to death or jumping out of 100th story buildings to their death. We will never forget those murderous acts and those people who let them happen. If we are not in Iraq then the war will be on our soil. As Americans we must wake up! We do not want suicide bombings on our streets, we do not want muslin extremist bombing our schools’, and we do not want a biological war in our subways. We have to realize that these men are pure evil and they represent death. Barack Obama wants to have a nice chat with Mr. Ahmadinejad. He wants to doom all Americans’ and when we get attacked he will be the one to blame. He talks big about the economy and how the war is costing trillions of dollars. However when planes crash into Hollywood and bombs go off in our New York City subway systems and the Sears Tower gets demolished by 747’s what will be of our economy? What will we do then? How much money, death and bloodshed will amount? Americans often times do not appreciate their freedom. They are so quick to scrutinize President Bush. How many times more have we been attacked since 9-11?


Unknown said...

"Government should be able to stifle free speech in times of war."

I do not believe that the government should ever be able to stifle free speech in times of war. The right of free speech is declared in the constitution and it is a very important part of this country. There are no benefits from suppressing one's feelings towards the current disposition of the country. If the government began to stifle free speech, I believe there would be a definite cause for a rebellion. If the government takes our right of free speech away, they can do anything they want without opposition.

[Sam] said...

"Patriotism means always supporting your government during times of war without questioning the justification."

Patriotism means national loyalty. It does not mean dropping your personal beliefs to support the government, especially when the justification goes against everything you believe in. If the government wanted support without question, they should not have given us the first amendment, “…and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” It is said right there that we have a right to petition the government. It does not say “except during times of war”.

mtumolo said...

The statement that I feel most strongly about is 'To assure our country’s freedom, the government should be able to spy on its citizens.' I strongly disagree with this statement because i do not think it would be fair for the government to have access to everyones personal life and business. There are many people in this world who are completely innocent and harmless, so for them to get spied on because they might be a threat, would not be fair at all. As citizen you have the right to your privacy and personal business and without that right people would feel very powerless and little.

Anonymous said...

1. Those who would exchange freedom for security deserve neither.

2. To assure our country’s freedom, the government should be able to spy on its citizens.

3. Patriotism means always supporting your government during times of war without questioning the justification.

4. Torture of a person who is a threat to our country’s freedom is acceptable as long the person does not die.

5. People who are a serious threat to the government should be able to be held in prison without being charged.

6. The government has a right to know what people are reading so they may determine who might be a threat.

7. Society would be safer if we had security cameras in public places to catch potential criminals.

8. Government should be able to stifle free speech in times of war.

9. Reporters should submit their work to government officials so they may determine if it’s a threat to the country.

10. The only way to prepare for peace is to be prepared for war.

Breanna Michelle said...

I believe that if we had security camera's at more places that it would help lower the crime rate, and help criminals get caught. Innocent people go to jail for things that they didn't do, when the actually person who did the crime rides free. It'll help solve and avoid a lot of mystery's from occurring.

aaronbrauer17 said...


3. Patriotism means always supporting your government during times of war without questioning the justification.

Patriotism does not mean always supporting your government during times of war because some time's there reason for war could not be a good reason. They might just be trying to follow in their father's footsteps or something of the sort. Patriotism means that you support your country in every way nessecary when it secures there safety. It is right for the country but when the government puts the countries safety in danger we have a right to stand up to them. You can question their authority but it will do you no good because, this country is corrupt and will do anything for a dollar.

Dana said...

The only way to prepare for peace is to be prepared for war.
People do not understand that if you do not have war you will never attain peace. If our fathers and grandfathers did not go to war we would be under Hitler’s rule right now. The reason we have to go to war is to fight the bad to keep the good. If we let terrorists or criminals do whatever they want then we will have no peace, no security, and no assurances that anyone is going to help us when we need them because there is no opposing force to go up against them. In order to have peace, protection, and freedom, we need an opposing force. An opposing force is anything that goes up against another thing, as in good against evil and right against wrong. War is defined as two opposing forces going up against each other. If you were brutally attacked and your life is being threatened, your instincts would be to fight back and protect yourself. You are essentially at war with the person who is attacking you. Would you let them go on because you don’t believe in war or would you go up against them? In order to have peace you have to have war.

Dana Arleth

Chelsea said...

'Those who would exchange freedom for security deserve neither.'

I agree with this statement. In today’s sense of freedom, both freedom and security go together hand in hand. One can not be exchanged for the other when both are needed to keep one another’s existence. In order to have complete freedom you would be without security. How long will your freedom last? While you have security you will not have complete freedom since a number of freedoms must be violated to keep security, but you will have limited freedom. I would much rather have a taste of each then to be without either. Everything in moderation.

LoSWitch said...

"Torture of a person who is a threat to our country’s freedom is acceptable as long the person does not die."

I believe that torture of any kind for any reason is wrong. It makes it possible for people in authority to make the person being tortured bend to their will. It can be used to get information from a person who really is a terrorist, but takes away free will. In being able to do that you can get them to say anything you want. But it can also make an innocent person or a person who "isn't in favor" of the authority figure or government they work for, admit to anything even if it isn't true.

Anonymous said...

Society would be safer if we had security cameras in public places to catch potential criminals

I picked this statement because I feel strongly that, if more security cameras were put in more public places to catch potential criminals then there would be less robberies, children being abducted. Having more cameras in public places can help potential criminals get caught, they can save a lot of lives, save so much trouble. A lot of crime can be prevented to the extent that people could possibly know when a potential criminal is about to commit a crime. Security cameras wouldn’t be just enough though having more security guards in almost each part of the public places will also help catch potential criminals. measure, no matter how stupid it may seem to people isWe live in a society where now, every security very important and it may have to always been taking to the extreme in most measures.

Anonymous said...

Society would be safer if we had security cameras in public places to catch potential criminals

I picked this statement because I feel strongly that, if more security cameras were put in more public places to catch potential criminals then there would be less robberies, children being abducted. Having more cameras in public places can help potential criminals get caught, they can save a lot of lives, save so much trouble. A lot of crime can be prevented to the extent that people could possibly know when a potential criminal is about to commit a crime. Security cameras wouldn’t be just enough though having more security guards in almost each part of the public places will also help catch potential criminals. measure, no matter how stupid it may seem to people isWe live in a society where now, every security very important and it may have to always been taking to the extreme in most measures.

Tiara Chaplin
English 12

sara said...

The statement I feel most strongly about would be the first statement, “those who would trade freedom for security deserve neither. My personal opinion freedom is the most valuable thing a person could have. If you have your freedom you can do anything you want. To give that away would just be plain dumb. I understand wanting to be safe but would you really want to give up all your freedom for that? Freedom is what this country was built on, that’s why all the first settlers came here so they could be free. Why would you want to give something back that some many people have worked and died for, for so many years?

RosaliaZani said...

Reporters should definitely submit their work to government officials so they can make sure it is not a threat to the country. There have been too many incidents where reporters have said things that they never should have never been able to say. They have given away important information about the war and our soldiers whereabouts before. Sometimes information shouldn't be made public to protect our people and we should accept that it is and should be necessary to deprive us of some public information to keep those protected by it safe.

courters said...

The only way to prepare for peace is to be prepared for war.
I chose this statement because how do you know peace if there is no war first? There can't be good unless there is evil amongst so you could decipher the difference between the two. If there is no war first then how would you know that there would be peace? You need a cause and effect in this situation. The cause would be the war and once that was all over peace would succumb. Maybe not "world peace" where there would be absolutely no fighting or terrorism, but a sense of peace would overcome people.

Anonymous said...

Part 2- Number 8 infuriates me, the freedom of speech is something that I take pride in. Your words are your most valuable weapon and they should never under any circumstances (ESPECIALLY WAR) should be taken away. The most valuable thing you can have is your education and the ability to use it!. Speech is the most valuable thing in the world, yet it is the most under appreciated.-Nathan.

Renee said...

"To assure our country’s freedom, the government should be able to spy on its citizens"

I definitely disagree with this statement. Everyone deserves to be able to have privacy and do what they like to do. The only way this statement would be ok is if the government was spying on someone who they knew was doing wrong or harm to others; otherwise every single person deserves at least a chance to feel free.

Kiara said...